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Ringön Swapmeet is back and this time it’s all about vinyl, CD’s, cassettes and beyond! Yes, it’s time for a classic RECORD FAIR-EDITION!

We’ve invited some of our favourite shops to set up tables, but we’re really looking forward to some private collectors to bring out their treasures. Expect tons of records in all shapes, sizes and formats – and no entrance fee as usual, as well as bars and kitchen open all day. Tell a friend and let’s make it happen!
Wanna sell some stuff? Send us an email at to book a table. There’s no cost, but limited amount of tables available.
Ringön Swapmeet is our very own in-house, somewhat recurring; locally focused marketplace! The idea is simple: we choose a theme or common thread, then invite folks around town and let them set up shop/tables/whatever inside the venue – and then ya’ll come by and buy/eye/trade/admire it all. Bars and kitchen will be open, so you’ll be able to make great decisions while walking around the vendors.
Wolfschmidt + support 9/5 150 150 Monument 031

Wolfschmidt + support 9/5

Thursday the 9th of May is Christ’s Ascension Day a.k.a Kristihimmelfärds.

It is said that this is the day Jesus left the earth and was taken up to heaven – but we thought we would stay on Ringön and travel in a completely different way when Wolfschmidt takes over the stage at Monument on this fine evening instead!

Tickets are only 100kr and available right here:

Wolfschmidt är det hopplösa livet fyllt av naiv längtan. De är stupet i själen och ekot av flimrande minnen. Indiebandet från Göteborg kokar ner sina tidigare liv till deras unika “gazegrunge”-sound som växt fram rakt ur asfalten på Ringön. Från att ha startats som ett utforskande inspelningsprojekt 2021 med Elin Edgren (sång) och Hampus Sjöstedt (trummor) har lösa låt- och soundidéer idag formats till en fullskalig liveexplosion av dimmig shoegaze och mörk grunge tillsammans med Viggo Olsson på bas samt Anders Martin Lisle och Petter Lithvall på gitarr.


Söderled kom till liv 2023 och består av de två vännerna Daniel och Staffan. Med sin vision “att i ett litet och enkelt format skapa stor drömpop”, så mejslar Söderled fram små världar där utgångspunkten ofta är en gitarr eller bas som sedan kläs i syntar, trummaskin och diverse slagverk. I den lilla studion i Majorna, Göteborg sammanfattar duon livet där och då i text och toner.
Under våren 2024 har Söderled släppt de tre singlarna Krossa glas, Drömmar och Björn.


Vill spela rock men det är också skönt att spela något annat. Medlemmar från Desire and Her Drunks, Könsförrädare, Vaken, Chicagojazzen, Eterkropp, Tiny Oceans, Det jordiska, Lesley, Skjut Dig. Svenska texter, gitarr, bas, trummor, alla på sång. Lagom volym.


Dörrar 19.00
På scen 19.45


CATCH 22! BF/C + Enskild firma 150 150 Monument 031

CATCH 22! BF/C + Enskild firma

Välkomna på spelning och fest i födelsedagsanda! Kom som du är och fira livet till stans bästa band.

BF/C Barish Firatli och Californiaman bildar tillsammans BF/C, en sällsynt duo som skapar tidlös, soulig elektronisk musik doppad i disco och dunkel. Med känsliga, träffsäkra melodier och toner bjuder de in till en dröm att stanna kvar i. Dagen till ära är det release för musikvideo till deras låt Crying_1 som visas under kvällen!

ENSKILD FIRMA Med influenser från pop-punk, progg och alt-rock bjuder de det på minnesvärda hooks och drömmiga grooves i en explosiv dynamik. Med kryptiska berättelser, texter på svenska och riviga toner gör de det inte lätt för dig att stå emot att dansa. Med Sveriges (kanske) längsta sångare och råa ärlighet är de svåra att glömma.




00.00 DJ tba

Ta med dig alla du vill hänga med till en festlig kväll på Monument 031!

Allt inträde går till Världsnaturfonden. Köp din biljett här:

Cocktail Hour #3: Wet City Takeover + DJ’s Susanne Svensson b2b Benjamin Baniassadi 150 150 Monument 031

Cocktail Hour #3: Wet City Takeover + DJ’s Susanne Svensson b2b Benjamin Baniassadi

Time for another COCKTAIL HOUR!

This time the fine folks over at Wet City Spirits are taking over our container, setting up a fine menu together with Erik – as well as bringing Susanne Svensson and Benjamin Baniassadi along in the DJ-booth.

As always: no entrance fee, amazing cocktails, real nice prices and good times!



Ringön Swapmeet is back, this time we focus on INSTRUMENTS & MUSIC EQUIPMENT!

Ringön Swapmeet is our very own in-house, somewhat recurring; locally focused marketplace! The idea is simple: we choose a theme or common thread, then invite folks around Ringön and let them set up shop/tables/whatever inside the venue – and then ya’ll come by and buy/eye/trade/admire it all. Bars and kitchen will be open, so you’ll be able to make great decisions while walking around the vendors.

First one out was our MOTOR-edition and the word success is an understatement. This time we shine a light on something that is equally part of the fabric of Ringön: music, studios, rehearsal-spaces, clubs and stages. Yes, Ringön has got it all and as always, we’ve invited a couple of staples from that community around here and on Saturday April 13th those who can will be bringing out their hidden treasures for you to buy. You’ll probably find another pedal you didn’t even know you needed; the perfect modular synth to sit next to the one you still don’t use or maybe just another guitar or amp, because why not?

So come on down and make some great deals on Saturday, April 13th, 12.00-16.00. No entrance fee!
(Not based on Ringön but wanna sell some stuff? Send us an email at and let’s talk)

PROGRESS PRODUCTIONS 20 YEAR FESTIVAL 16/11 150 150 Monument 031


Progress Productions Festival is back.

After a few years with a pandemic we are finally back. 20 Years of Progress 2004-2024 is official and tickets are now out.

Welcome to Gothenburg on the 16th of November.
More info on bands etc in the FB-event right here.

And tickets are here:




On Friday, April 26th, we welcome the birth of a new club here at Monument. It’s called OK, or Organiserat Kaos, whichever you prefer. It’s sort of like an inhouse club, but also not – cause technically Kiffe booked the bands and Carl just hijacked it and now calls it Organiserat Kaos cause he wanted to have a club called OK so he could steal the old OKEJ-logo.

As you can tell, it’s a super clear and distinct theme and organisation behind this, but don’t worry about that – the main focus for you is the same as for the club: THE BANDS! And boy do we have some absolutely killer bands in store for you.

First out is the powerhouse known as SODAKILL from Stockholm! They play bubbly and raw sodapunk, which makes perfect sense when you listen to their debut EP “Warning” that they released in March this year. Basically one of the best new bands out there and you’re gonna love it when they destroy the stage on the 26th.


Headlining this fine evening is a group of norwegian punks named RISE ABOVE. They’re known for their chaotic live performances and genre-blending music. What began with the 2016 EP “Sounds of Liberation”, followed by singles “Gold” and “Up” in 2017, was pushed to the extreme with the release of their anticipated 2022 debut album “Times of Clarity”.

A perfect way to bring the Kaos to Klubb Organiserat Kaos.


ALASTOR + ORSAK:OSLO LIVE AT RINGÖN 19/4 150 150 Monument 031


LIVE AT RINGÖN is a concert series highlighting all forms of live music, ranging from metal to indie, with the sole purpose of bringing more live music to Ringön and the people around us!

Alastor and Orsak:Oslo kick things off proper on Friday April 19th, and as a nice little bonus, every LIVE AT RINGÖN-show has a fixed low price of 165kr. See you at Monument and LIVE AT RINGÖN!


ALASTOR Alastor is heavy doom rock for the wicked and depraved. Drenched in heavy, distorted darkness and steeped in occult horror that will make your skin crawl and ears cry sweet tears of blood.

ORSAK:OSLO Orsak:Oslo is one of those hidden gems.  Always grinding, always perfecting the imperfections. The four-piece has been lurking around the underground for years, steadily paving its way with a mellow and laidback, yet intense sound.


Babysun releasefest + Les Severe 11/5 150 150 Monument 031

Babysun releasefest + Les Severe 11/5

Saturday the 11th of May will henceforth be known as the day Babysun and Les Severe destroyed your souls, had you begging for more and blessed you with a show people will be crying about missing for years to come.

Siborg a.k.a Simon will be here to make sure you have a permanent memory of the evening, if so inclined. (That’s a fancy way of saying there will be tattoos available)


Get yer tickets now or forever regret it:

The explosive force known as Babysun is probably Ringön’s most pissed off post-punk band.
It’s distorted, it’s crackling and it’s just full fucking pan until you pass out. In 2024, the band has not only taken their sweaty liveshows to Europe, but also been busy releasing several self-produced singles. All crammed with sickeningly loud blasts of noise.
On May 11, the double single STRANGER//ANIMAL will be released and in connection with this they will come to Monument for a messy release party, to say the least. Expect to feel run over by a self-pitying bulldozer as the band takes their heavy and energetic live set from Ringön – all the way to Ringön.
Les Severe is the name of freedom from boredom in the eyes of itself. What started as a solo recording project has now grown in to a band with a various amount of People. For the most part there are four members who want to make music that does not stick to the clicheys of the phrase “We want to make music free from clicheys”. It’s mostly an impossible and unobtainable task. But with this in mind, Les Severe allows them to make music that they dare say is open for interpretation. With influences from punk, dancehall, folk, pop, hip hop, drum n bass, experimental etc etc they make music that they think is worth doing.


Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty 10/5! 150 150 Monument 031

Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty 10/5!

Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty at Monument 10/5!

Monument is proud to present a double releaseparty to end all double release parties, as the working class heroes of Horndal and Henrik Palm embark on the main stage Friday, May 10th. Horndal will have “Head Hammer Man” (the album AND book) out, while Henrik Palms third offering, also releasing in april, is called “Nerd Icon”. Two acts on their third albums, destroying one stage. Attendance is mandatory!

Horndal Horndal, det aviga metalbandet från den döda bruksorten Horndal är tillbaka. Efter den hyllade och vida omskrivna skivan ”Lake Drinker” kommer nu nästa kapitel.

”Head Hammer Man” är den explosiva men bortglömda historien om Alrik Andersson, en ung fackföreningsledare som stod i händelsernas centrum när den våldsamma Storstrejken kulminerade i Horndal 1909. Upproren ledde till vräkningar av arbetarfamiljer, svält, inkallande av militär med dragna gevär och landet var nära ett inbördeskrig. Alrik räddade arbetarnas liv och jobb, men förlorade sitt eget. Han svartlistades och tvingades i landsflykt. True story. Snabbt insåg bandet att historien inte skulle få plats på 10 låtar, så i samband med skivinspelningarna skrevs en 400 sidor lång bok med samma namn.

Musikaliskt är det ett lika ambitiöst projekt som bokskrivandet och samtliga hörn av skivsamlingen har nu fått influera kompositionerna. Från Pugh Rogefeldt och Janne Loffe Carlsson till Autopsy, Wipers till Judas Priest, Hawkwind till Mercyful Fate, Don Cherry till Voivod. Ett riff lånat från Sparks här, en solo lånat från Jake E Lee där. Blåsarrangemang jämte heroiska stämgitarrer.

Historien må ha glömt Alrik Andersson, men Horndal kommer aldrig att göra det. Albumet och boken ”Head Hammer Man” släpps 5 april 2024. Horndal är: Pontus Levahn, Henrik Levahn, Fredrik Boëthius Fjärem och Daniel Ekeroth.

Henrik Palm ”Henrik Palm släpper i april sin tredje skiva ”Nerd Icon”. Musik för de ljuvligt missanpassade entusiasterna som föredrar dissonans och moll framför dur och Allsång på Skansen-indie. Musik som gjord för att stirra in i sin vägg fylld med Venom- och Brian Eno-posters. Eller med hörlurar med en iskall ensamöl på en brun pub. Eller också live nu i maj med kompisarna i Horndal.”