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INSTÄLLT: Erik Nervous, Citric Dummies & The Inseminoids 26/8 150 150 Monument 031

INSTÄLLT: Erik Nervous, Citric Dummies & The Inseminoids 26/8

Erik Nervous och Citric Dummies har ställt in resten av sina gig denna turnérunda. Detta innebär alltså att måndagens konsert på Monument tyvärr också är INSTÄLLD.

Alla biljetter återlöses automatiskt.

Your eyes does not deceive you. That is an adorable dachshund in a martini-glass letting you know, in the most classy of ways, that Erik Nervous, Citric Dummies & The Inseminoids are playing at Monument, Monday August 26th.

Yes, amazing shows on Mondays is a thing now. And this lineup is actually ridiculous. Seriously, we spoil you. I mean, look at this:

Erik Nervous (US)
Citric Dummies (US)
The Inseminoids

Monday Aug 26th.
Doors 19:00
Tickets 165kr (235kr at the door)

If you don’t get tickets to this one, well, you must be dead, ’cause that’s the only acceptable excuse to miss out.

In conspiracy with Klubb Organsierat Kaos! Thanks to Lisa Borg for poster of the year.


Les Lullies + The Manikins SUNDAY 23/6 150 150 Monument 031

Les Lullies + The Manikins SUNDAY 23/6

On SUNDAY the 23rd of June you best wake up from that stupid Midsummer-hangover cause this is Les Lullies at Monument!!!

The band was formed back in 2016 by four French cheese-eating attack monkeys. Mont-pellier’s own sweethearts are in line with a bunch of bands and artists with a simple creed: hop in the van, go everywhere and play rock’n’roll!

We could list everything they’ve released – the legends they’ve shared stages with but you already know that. If not, go find out. This ain’t rocket science, mon frère, it is only rock’n’roll. And we wouldn’t have it any other way!

And please welcome Nyköpings finest a.k.a THE MANIKINS as opening act!
The Manikins were formed in 1999.
With their own recipe, they have created a perfectly mixed cocktail of garage punk, power pop and good old rock n roll.
Since the beginning, the band has managed to release 6 records and toured extensively in both Europe and the USA. The latest album “Swedish Woods” was released in November on Lövely Records and has been praised by, among others, The Hives.
June 23rd The Manikins are back in Gothenburg and will offer Monument an explosive performance together with Les Lullies!

Tickets 165kr (225kr at the door):

Cocktail Hour-Special: New Menu Tasting 150 150 Monument 031

Cocktail Hour-Special: New Menu Tasting

It’s Saturday, we’re trying out some new cocktails for the menu and you should come by and drink them.

Simply as that really! Open 17-late and no entrance fee, naturally.

DEATH METAL NIGHT 14/6 150 150 Monument 031


After being baptized by fire last month and our inaugural Black Metal Night – it’s time to tune down and plug in the HM-2 pedals!

Yes, Friday the 14th we invite you to DEATH METAL NIGHT at Monument. This time we’ve invited our dear friend Niclas Engelin who will be playing strictly Death Metal from ’88-95 between 17:00-20:00 and then we let the staff go wild with their take on this wonderfully eclectic genre.
Oh, and it just so happens that this fine evening our friends over at Gothenburg Metal Temple is hosting the finals of Gothenburg Metal Championship, so this evening will also function as the official pre- and afterparty. The more death the merrier!
Open 17-01.
No entrance fee.
Wanna DJ after Niclas? Hit us up and let’s talk!
Dödskällan + Livet Lekte 28/6 150 150 Monument 031

Dödskällan + Livet Lekte 28/6


Två av Sveriges bästa går samman för en kväll av total urladdning! Det är punk, det är kål och stål, det är svenskt och det är Ringön – en kväll som kommer sätta sin spår, garanterat!

Det finns en nerv i Dödskällans musik som måste upplevas live. Bland skrikande gitarrer och larmande trummor så formas gripande berättelser om rotlöshet och utanförskap. Med sina texter på svenska ger Dödskällan en röst till de som inte känner att de passar in. De vemodiga melodierna, texterna och de starka refrängerna är det som cementerar dom som ett av de mest spännande banden på den svenska punkhimlen.

Livet Lektes sound är en blandning av indie, altrock och lite vanlig enkel rockmusik, kryddad med shoegaze och kraut. Det är ingredienser som är självklara, ändå är det få som förvaltar dom som Livet Lekte gör. Men så är dom enligt egen utsago; mer eller mindre världens bästa band.



HELLBUTCHER + HELLERUIN & HEDON 31/10 150 150 Monument 031



It’s seems fitting that on October 31st, the blasphemous force known as HELLBUTCHER will bring total devastation to Ringön and Monument! Helleruin (NL) and Hedon as support completes the unholy trinity and we look forward to seeing you all here.

So come on out all you foul ghouls – this is already a legendary night, and attendance is mandatory.

Tickets 295kr:


SNOOPER + TRENCH ROT 1/7 150 150 Monument 031



When you’re playing Stockholm on Saturday and heading to destroy Roskildefestivalen on Wednesday, naturally you make sure to swing by Gothenburg on the way down. This is gearing up to be one of the best Mondays in your life. Get those tickets now – not only will you get the brilliance of Snõõper, you’ll also be able to say that you were there when Trench Rot showed everyone how it’s fucking done.


In collaboration with Klubb Organiserat Kaos!


BLACK METAL NIGHT 17/5 150 150 Monument 031


Friday, May 17th we pay homage to our Norwegian neighbours and the true origins of Black Metal.

As it’s going to be hot as hell, there will be no entry fee, option to hang outside or indoors andglorious tunes selected by Desekrator (Voodus, Stormdeath) & Evil Bastard (Stormdeath).
AW between 17-19.
Blasphemy and good times until late.
She Sees, The Family Men & Bird and Beast 5/6 150 150 Monument 031

She Sees, The Family Men & Bird and Beast 5/6

She Sees, The Family Men & Bird and Beast 5/6

WEDNESDAY JUNE 5th is 1) the day before a national holiday so you’re good to go on a bender both musically and physically cause 2) SHE SEES, THE FAMILY MEN & BIRD AND BEAST are taking over the small stage at Monument and you need to be here!

Tickets 150kr:

She Sees:
She Sees är en instrumental rockorkester från Göteborg. Bandet bildades 2017 och består av medlemmar från bl.a. Khadavra och Ond Cirkel för att söka något  mer flytande och friare.

Med ena foten i post-rock och den andra  i …ja, lite vad som helst, jobbar kvartetten med de större känslorna och ljudlandskapen. Det är ångest, extas, kaos, och frid om vartannat.

Bandet är aktuella med singlarna “Pissphase” och “Natten Kallar”. Till hösten väntar en EP.

The Family Men: 
The Family Men är en Göteborgsbaserad grupp bildad 2017 bestående av Nils Lindgren, Vidar Nilsson & Gustav Danielsbacka.

Trots att musiken spänner över en stor mängd genrer samt att bandets villighet att experimentera gör dem svåra att nåla fast är en sak säker: det är rå, ofiltrerad musik. Samplers, trasiga synthar, metall-percussion, tape-loops och sönderdistade gitarrer är några av elementen som utgör bandets sound.

Deras mångfacetterade liveshow har snabbt blivit känd inom Göteborgs underground-scen. Med hjälp av febriga VHS-projektioner, galna mängder gitarrfeedback och en energi som matchas av få levererar dem en liveshow som helt enkelt bara kan beskrivas som “Total Musik”.

Gustav spelar även in under namnet ‘Incipientium’ och har släppt album på Förlag För Fri Musik, iDEAL Recordings mm. medan Vidar släpper soloskivor under namnet ‘The Flesh-Eating Bugs’.

Bird and Beast:
Bird and Beast, en mardrömspop-duo som håller hus i skogen utanför Göteborg. Reverb, oljud, tunga basar och melankoliska toner. En ondskefull men vacker blandning av 90-tals Trip-Hop, Darkwave och 80-talets industrisynthar.

Greenleaf + Grand Selmer 23/8 150 150 Monument 031

Greenleaf + Grand Selmer 23/8

Monument proudly presents Greenleaf & Grand Selmer on Friday, August 23rd!

No one knows for sure what will happen when these two reverberant act’s come together – but we’re guessing there will be fuzz. Riffs. And a hell of a good time!

Greenleaf became a proper band after more than a decade as a loose collective of friends making 70s-inspired hard rock and proto-metal.  Led by guitarist Tommi Holappa, co-founder of European desert rock originators Dozer, various configurations of Greenleaf with personnel from Lowrider, Truckfighters, Demon Cleaner and Dozer came and went during those early years.  But after five records and twice as many cast members rotating in and out, Tommi began to feel Greenleaf could be something more.

Today Greenleaf are widely recognized as a dominating live act and one of the most prolific and obsessively listenable outfits to emerge from the European heavy underground.  And now, ten years since the release of the landmark Trails & Passes album, Greenleaf return with The Head & The Habit, a record energized by awareness of their past triumphs and crafted with the maturity of a band who knows how to rock stronger, harder and better than ever before.

Last spring they played their first gig in 9 years. Now it’s finally time again and word around town says they sound better than ever! On August 23rd, Gothenburg’s best underground rockband will enter the main stage at Monument to show you all how it’s done!