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Ö-festen på Monument 31/8 150 150 Monument 031

Ö-festen på Monument 31/8

Ö-festen på Monument!

DJ’s, liveband, utebar, innebar, cocktailbar och mat – ihop med klädloppis, tatueringar, rundpingis, pop-up affärer och löjligt bra häng. 100% fri entré hela dagen!

Välkomna till Monument, hörnet av Stålverks- och Järnmalmsgatan. Öppet 12:00-01:00.

(OBS! Banden Cherokee Death Cats, Famnen, Dätcha Mandala och Spøgelse spelar UTANFÖR oss. Vid regn flyttar de in till stora scenen ihop med resten av programmet). Fullständigt schema kommer i separat post.

Ses på Ringön!

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 16/8 – tema: Musikindustrin 150 150 Monument 031

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 16/8 – tema: Musikindustrin

This has gone too far and the ego on Kiffe has transcended to occult levels of insanity – as this next quiz ahead of us is surely proof of. Seriously, the man has taken over the main stage this time.

The theme of this monumentalt quiz will be the music industry and records labels therein! The evening kinda doubles as a sort pre-party to next week’s BlackValley Festival, at least if you think forcing them to give us tickets as prices is a pre-party?

Who knows how this will go? Kiffe is sure it will be great (like all of his other ideas). If we’re lucky, another industry mogul will join him on stage to ask some questions. Those who have yet to go blind from the event-pic could actually make out who it is. Who is the Taylor to Kiffes Scooter… only the golden shorts knows.

Anyways, enough jibberish:


Get your teams together and we’ll see you at the big stage!

Gothenburg Space (Techno Bunker) 28/9 150 150 Monument 031

Gothenburg Space (Techno Bunker) 28/9

Welcome to Gothenburg Space, Techno Bunker.

Saturday 28 September 2024. Doors open at 19:00



Pierre Jeksten (Hertz) (SE).

Amero (SE).



Presented by I Scream Productions.

Klubb Indied 150 150 Monument 031

Klubb Indied

På popup-klubben Indied möts synthluggar och punkkängor, electrosjälar och popsnören.

Under industrisemestern dansar vi ut vår indie-cocktail till Ringön och skruvar upp volymen till 11:an. Det blir högt! Det blir fest! Det blir kul!

(Ryktet säger att det kanske också bjuds på något gratis kallt till dem första gästerna…)

Ses på torsdagarna 18/7, 25/7 och 1/8 mellan kl. 16-??. Alltid fri entré och utomhus vid sol, inomhus annars såklart!

Klubb Indied 150 150 Monument 031

Klubb Indied

På popup-klubben Indied möts synthluggar och punkkängor, electrosjälar och popsnören.

Under industrisemestern dansar vi ut vår indie-cocktail till Ringön och skruvar upp volymen till 11:an. Det blir högt! Det blir fest! Det blir kul!

(Ryktet säger att det kanske också bjuds på något gratis kallt till dem första gästerna…)

Ses på torsdagarna 18/7, 25/7 och 1/8 mellan kl. 16-??. Alltid fri entré och utomhus vid sol, inomhus annars såklart!

Klubb Indied 150 150 Monument 031

Klubb Indied

På popup-klubben Indied möts synthluggar och punkkängor, electrosjälar och popsnören.

Under industrisemestern dansar vi ut vår indie-cocktail till Ringön och skruvar upp volymen till 11:an. Det blir högt! Det blir fest! Det blir kul!

(Ryktet säger att det kanske också bjuds på något gratis kallt till dem första gästerna…)

Ses på torsdagarna 18/7, 25/7 och 1/8 mellan kl. 14-18. Alltid fri entré och utomhus vid sol, inomhus annars såklart!

Klubb Global Groove 150 150 Monument 031

Klubb Global Groove

Klubb Global Groove is a social disco club & DJ collective that focuses on eclectic dance music from all corners of the world. Global Grooves goal is to spread love & joy through soulful music.

Join us during industrisemestern for some staycation-vibes at Monument on Wednesdays all summer with cold drinks and hot music.

See you here between 16-20 on 17/7, 24/7 and 31/7! Outside if the sun is out – inside if not. We’re good to go either way!

KLUBB GLOBAL GROOVE 150 150 Monument 031


Klubb Global Groove is a social disco club & DJ collective that focuses on eclectic dance music from all corners of the world. Global Grooves goal is to spread love & joy through soulful music.

Join us during industrisemestern for some staycation-vibes at Monument on Wednesdays all summer with cold drinks and hot music.

See you here between 14-18 on 17/7, 24/7 and 31/7! Outside if the sun is out – inside if not. We’re good to go either way!

E.M.O Beach Club 13/6 150 150 Monument 031

E.M.O Beach Club 13/6

Emma Miller Olsson loves the beach. She loves the sea. She loves the drinks and she loves the outfits. And with her E.M.O Beach Club-concept, she’s been bringing the beach to a variety of different clubs and venues around town, and it just so happens that this time, she’s coming to the finest beach of them all a.k.a RINGÖN!
Yes, the industrial decadence just got filthier in the best of ways. Swing by this Thursday and celebrate Pride, listen to some house, gay pop, probably some Charli xcx and have a ton of cocktails because you’ve earned it.


Let loose, bring your friends, come catch a wave – or a lover. Everyone is welcome at E.M.O BEACH CLUB!

Cocktail Hour-Special: New Menu Tasting 150 150 Monument 031

Cocktail Hour-Special: New Menu Tasting

It’s Saturday, we’re trying out some new cocktails for the menu and you should come by and drink them.

Simply as that really! Open 17-late and no entrance fee, naturally.